2024年7月26日:スピーカー(登壇者)オーディション TEDxKobe 2024

TEDxKobe 2018参加者募集中!

TEDxKobe 2018にライヴで参加しませんか?多彩なスピーカー達がそれぞれの独自のアイデアをKobeから世界へと送り出す素晴らしい時間を是非共有してください。今年度のテーマは「Burning to Go!」です。





参加費にはセッション、ランチ、アフターパーティなど、食事を含むTEDxKobe 2018当日の費用の全てが含まれます。TEDxKobe 2018を思う存分体験してください。

TEDxKobe 2018は日本語での開催となりますが、有料にて英語の同時通訳も行います。レシーバーを1台1,000円でご利用いただけますが、台数には限りがありますのでご了承ください。

TEDxKobe 2017の様子



10:00 (開始時刻は変更になる場合があります)
場所 甲南大学「岡本キャンパス」
(〒658-8501 兵庫県神戸市東灘区岡本8-9-1)
  • 参加費にはセッション、ランチ、アフターパーティなど、食事を含むTEDxKobe 2018当日の費用の全てが含まれます。
  • 小学生未満のお子様のホールへの入場はご遠慮いただいておりますが、ホールの外でも親子でお楽しみいただけるスペースをご用意しています。
  • 飲食しながら視聴可能なスペースをご用意予定です。親子でもゆっくり観覧いただけます。
  • 運営側が他の参加者のご迷惑になると判断した場合、強制的にご退出頂くことがあります。



  • お申し込みにはPeatixというアプリへのご登録が必要です。
  • 応募者多数の場合、先着順とさせていただきます
  • TEDxKobeの行動規範に則ることが難しいと実行委員会が判断した場合、参加をお断りする場合がございます

TED Ideas worth spreading

1984年に始まり、学術・エンターテインメント・デザインなど幅広い分野の専門家による講演会を主催しています。TEDは「Technology Entertainment Design」の略称。TEDxKobeはTEDからライセンスを受け、神戸で開催しています。


Join TEDxKobe 2018 as a participant!

Join TEDxKobe 2018 live and have a wonderful experience as various speakers send their unique and creative ideas from Kobe to the world. This year’s theme is “Burning to Go!”.

Take the first step and head the goal with your burning intensity .
And make a next breakthrough, push the limit, wash out the doubts, take another step.
Burn out your old style, old principle, even your old pride.
Go and go turning the blade to the driving force.
Burn yourself, run to the future.

– 3 to 4 speakers will have their presentations in 1 session. You can enjoy intellectual and exciting ideas throughout 3 sessions. Sounds, lightings, decorations of the hall and sense of unity between the participants will stir your sensibility, and broaden your horizons.

– At the break time between sessions, we have planned many projects so that participants can communicate with each other and think about the ideas deeply. Local companies and our partner companies will have exhibitions too .

– At the break time and the after party that will be held after the sessions, you can meet and talk with all people concerning TEDxKobe. You can have a lively conversation over common topics and expand your ideas further.

– The ticket fee is the full admission of the day of TEDxKOBE 2018, including the sessions, lunch and after party fee. Please enjoy TEDxKobe 2018 to your heart’s content.

– TEDxKobe 2018 will be held in Japanese, but there will be interpretation service in English with a rental receiver for 1,000 yen. Please note that there are a limit to the number of receivers.

See the highlights of TEDxKobe 2017

Now, won’t you participate TEDxKobe 2018 and create this event with us together?

Event Information

DateMonday, September 24th, 2018 (National Holiday)
ScheduleOpen: 9:30am
Start: 10:00am (Please note the start time might change.)
After party: 17:30 to 19:00
VenueKonan University (Okamoto Campus)
Sessions will be held at Koyu-Kaikan
Activities will be held at KONAN INFINITY COMMONS(iCommons)
(8-9-1, Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe city, zip:6588501)
Ticket Fee (per person, tax included) Adult : 8,640yen, Student : 6,480yen (Student ID required), Child (under 12): 1,080yen, Child (under 6): free Application Period : Friday, June 29th, 2018 – Sunday, August 26, 2018Sunday, September 16, 2018
  • The ticket fee is the full admission of the day of TEDxKobe 2018, including the sessions, lunch and after party fee.
  • You can not take children under elementary school in the presentation hall, but we will prepare attractive plans for you and your children outside the hall.
  • If there is a participant causing nuisances to other participants, there are cases that the management will ask them to leave.

Application Form

Application Closed.

  • The APP called “Peatix” is necessary for the application.
  • Please note in case of too many applications, we will choose by lottery.

TED Ideas worth spreading

TED began in 1984 with the aim of spreading valuable ideas through conferences. Under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”, experts in Technology, Entertainment, Design, and any other backgrounds give powerful talks to share ideas. TEDxKobe is licensed by TED and organized by those who want to enrich the lives of people through sharing unique ideas from Kobe to the world .

See you at TEDxKobe 2018!
Contact : participant@tedxkobe.com

OTANI Kouichi