木戸 彩KIDO Aya

脊髄損傷を負い「二度と歩くことはできない」と告げられた夫と、ふたりで「Re:Walk Project」を立ち上げた木戸彩。夫と同様、歩ける可能性がわずかな人にも「歩く希望」を与えるため、海外でのリハビリやWebでの情報発信、クラウドファウンディングなど、次々とチャレンジを行っている。いつも新たな挑戦と隣り合わせている、彼女の背中を押すものは何だろうか。
KIDO Aya launched a project “Re:Walk project” with her husband, who had spinal cord injury and was told that he will never be able to walk again. She is trying to give “hopes for walk” to people who have similar backgrounds as her husband, by transmitting information about rehabilitation abroad on the internet, crowdfunding, and also challenging successively for further development. What is the thing that encourages her, a person always facing new challenges?