人間:JADO entertains us

TEDxKobe 2016: Spring out in unity


HANAOKA Yoichi / YAMANE Shiboru

花岡洋一。1981年大阪市天王寺区生まれ、鶴橋育ち。肩書きはボケるディレクター。山根シボル。1981年大阪市西成区生まれ、西成育ち。肩書きはボケるデザイナー。学生時代に花岡と山根が「面白くて変なことを考えている」をテーマに活動するチーム「人間」を結成。学生という身分を活かし、今なら炎上しそうな不謹慎なネタを作っては公開していた。そして、社会人になってからも休日を利用し、体を張ったWEBサイトやパフォーマンスなどの活動を活発化。30歳を目前に「人間活動を平日にやって、土日は休みたいたいよね。」を合言葉に勤務先から独立。「株式会社人間」を設立する。会社になっても不謹慎なネタや下ネタ、くだらないダジャレへの興味は尽きること無く、「鼻毛通知代理サービス チョロリ」「Kinect 巨乳」「スの形をしたイス スイス」など、利益を生まない作品を作り続ける一方、キャンペーンサイトや紙媒体の広告、企業全体のブランディング、謎解きイベントにアートイベントのプロデュースなど、多岐にわたる分野で「なんか面白いことやってください」という期待に応え続けている。

HANAOKA Yoichi, Born in 1981 in Tennoji, Osaka; brought up in Tsuruhashi, Osaka. A director who takes funny part of the unit. YAMANE Shiboru, Born in 1981 in Nishinari, Osaka: brought up in Nishinari, Osaka. A designer who takes funny part of the unit. HANAOKA and YAMANE teamed up as ‘Ningen’ when they were students. The group was aiming for ‘always thinking bizzare but amazing’. Taking advantages of being students, they would walk a thin line on the verge of political correctness, publishing indiscreet topics on the net which otherwise would have caused flaming. After graduating from schools, they accelerated their performances as well as the WEB site activities at the risk of their lives and statuses. When they were about to reach 30’s, they wished to ‘perform as humans on weekdays, and relax on weekends’; they quit their then jobs and launched their business as ’Ningen Inc.’ Even after establishing their company, they never lose their passion for indecent jokes, dirty talks, or rubbish puns. While they are producing unprofitable products including: the ’nose-hair-notification service’; ‘Kinect Big Boobs’; ’Su+isu (Swiss)=a Su(ス)-shaped isu(chair)’; etc., they are answering to fulfil their clients who request them to do ’something hilarious’ through a wide range of areas including promotion web sites, printed advertisements, branding businesses, producing mystery events, or producing art events, and so on.
