リリアン テルミ ハタノ:A question for uniformity that starts from your own name

TEDxKobe 2015: Dive into Diversity

リリアン テルミ ハタノ

Lilian Terumi Hatano

神戸には、かつて日本の海外移住拠点があり、南米を中心に多くの海外移住者を送り出してきた歴史があることをご存知だろうか。ブラジル移民の両親を持つリリアン テルミ ハタノは、日系ブラジル人二世であり、日本に来てからは在日ブラジル人一世でもある。現在は大学で在日外国人の教育について、特に多文化共生や母語(継承語)教育などの研究に取り組んでいる。一言に移民と言っても、置かれた状況は実に多様であり、そのため解決すべき問題も多様である。言語、文化、習慣など多くの「違い」を突きつけられる外国籍・異文化背景の子どもたち。それを取り巻く諸問題の解決を目指す彼女が、我々に突きつけてくれるものは何だろうか。

As some may know, there used to be the National Kobe Emigrant Camp in Kobe, from where a lot of Japanese had been encouraged to immigrate especially to South America. Ms. Lilian Terumi HATANO, whose parents are Japanese immigrants to Brazil, is a 2nd generation of Japanese Brazilian and a first generation of Brazilian living in Japan. She studies in education of expatriates in Japan, especially working on multiculturalism as well as native (heritage) language education. Each immigrant has their own situation: They have various sorts of issues to solve out. Children with foreign nationalities or backgrounds are faced up on many ‘gaps’ including ones between languages, cultures, and customs. She is working on solutions for various issues caused by these gaps. See what questions she is going to raise to the world through her talk.


OTANI Kouichi