2024年8月26日:短期ボランティアスタッフ募集のお知らせ TEDxKobe 2024

古荘貴司:To face problems as an engineer

TEDxYouth@Kobe 2014: Growing Tree

古荘 貴司



Takashi Furusho graduated from the Department of Systems Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University in 2005. When in graduate school, he involved in agricultural products distribution systems in which he found several problems. Seeking for solutions, after finishing master course, he established the Nippon Institute of Agroinformatics Ltd. and now works as its representative director.Furusho particularly conducts studies on cultivation technology which uses no pesticides and fertilizer. Currently, he is working on the expansion of his company’s farm and making IT tools which are initially agriculture-oriented accessible for other types of business.


OTANI Kouichi