浦田高幸:Creating chain reactions in your mind
TEDxYouth@Kobe 2014: Growing Tree
浦田 高幸

URATA Takayuki
平日は会社員としてサラリーマンをしながら、休日は2本のロープを使うダブルダッチパフォーマー。ダブルダッチパフォーマンスチーム Fat man Crewに所属し、大阪府ダブルダッチ協会の理事も務めている。全国各地の商業施設やお祭り・パーティー等でのダブルダッチパフォーマンスショーから小学校や大学生・社会人までダブルダッチの指導やワークショップ、各種プロモーションやメディアなどを様々な場面で活動中。WORLD JUMP ROPE 2014 Championshipで総合優勝。その他、多数の優勝・受賞歴あり。
Takayuki Urata is an office worker on weekdays and a Double Dutch performer on weekends. He is a member of Fat man Crew, a Double Dutch performance team and the Director of Osaka Double Dutch Association. Urata performs at various parties, festivals and events at shopping centers nationwide. He also conducts Double Dutch related workshops and works as an instructor for children and adults. As an active Double Dutch performer, Urata appears in the media and attends promotion events frequently. He is the Grand Winner of the WORLD JUMP ROPE 2014 Championship. He has participated in and won several competitions.