


TEDとは、1984年から行われている「より良いアイデアを広めよう(Ideas worth spreading)」を理念とするTED Conferenceを主催する非営利団体です。TEDでは、技術・エンターテインメント・デザインなど様々な分野の人物が18分以内でプレゼンテーションを行います。またそのプレゼンテーションはTED.comを通じて全世界に配信されます。





TED and TEDx

What is TED?

TED began in 1984 as a global non-profit community with the aim of spreading valuable ideas through conferences. Under the slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”, experts in Technology, Entertainment, Design, and any other backgrounds give powerful talks to share ideas within 18 minutes. The talks have been offered for free viewing online through TED.com.

What is TEDx?

TEDx has “x”, which represents independently organized TED event under the license granted by TED. It is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. To date, TEDx events have been held more than 10,000 times in 167 countries on their own local creativity as per the TED rules.

What is TEDxKobe?

TEDxKobe was founded in June 2014, taking over TEDxSannomiya which was licensed by TED in June 2013. It is organized by those who want to enrich the lives of people through sharing unique ideas from Kobe to the world.

OTANI Kouichi